
Missions have been an important aspect of American Baptist Churches for over two centuries. International, national and local missions play in important role in our faith. 

Local Missions


Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach
Every third Friday, members and friends of Second Baptist Church provide food, cook and serve lunch to those seeking a meal at Matt Talbot. All are welcome to volunteer with this mission.
Find out more about Matt Talbot here:

People's City Mission
We are in regular contact with the mission and communicate needs of the mission to our congregation. They are always in need of monetary donations as well as clothing, bottled water, winter gear, etc. Donated items can be placed in the appropriate box in our foyer.
Find out more about People's City Mission here:

The Bridge Behavioral Health
The Bridge is a professional, nationally-accredited treatment center, specializing in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. We hold a weekly Bible Study as their facility for any clients who may want to attend. We also have an annual picnic in the summer at their facility, men from the center who want to attend are brought to the church for the Baptist Men’s monthly breakfast fellowships, and we provide and serve Christmas Dinner at their facility each Christmas Day.
Find out more about The Bridge here:

Northeast Lincoln Food Pantry
SBC is a member of the Northeast Lincoln Food Pantry. This emergency food pantry serves individuals and families in critical need of food by supplying them with prepared box of nutritious non-perishable food. Needed food items are published in our bi-weekly newsletter and your donations may be left in the designated box in the foyer. Cash donations for the pantry are always welcome.  

Neighborhood Distribution Project
We collect donations of paper products - tissues, paper towels, and bathroom tissue. These items are periodically donated to low income individuals and families in our neighborhood. Local food pantries do no distribute these needed items.  

Volunteers prepare and serve a meal once each month at Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach.