Mark Pudwill, Music Director

Music Ministry
Sing to the Lord, Praise His Holy Name! Psalm 30:4

 Worshiping God through song is the heart of the Music Ministry at Second Baptist Church. We seek to foster genuine praise with voices and instruments for the Glory of Our Almighty God. 


Chancel Choir and Chancel Ringers
The Chancel Choir is the primary music group at Second Baptist. The choir is comprised of volunteers who give their time and talents to the Lord and the members of the church. A variety of religious music is learned presented by this group.
We rehearse on Wednesday nights from 7:15 - 8:15. 

Glorifying God through ringing of bells by a fellowship of believers is what the Chancel Ringers is all about. The Handbell choir is great fellowship, fun and team building. We glorify God together through our love of music.  The group is currently on hiatus but hopes to resume practices in the near future.

If you would like to sing with us in our Chancel Choir or join our Chancel Ringers, please contact Mark Pudwill.